September 24, 2024

Amadeo Pellicce (CEO & Founder)

JS SDK with Segment & DuckDB APIs

We’re thrilled to introduce our official Javascript SDKs, which make it trivial to ingest and query event data serverless. 

You can install them by running:

npm install @evefan/sdk-js

And use it with:

import Evefan from "@evefan/sdk-js";
const ef = new Evefan({ evefanHost, writeKey });

// Track Data
ef.track( {
  userId: "019mr8mf4r",
  event: "Item Purchased",
  properties: {
    revenue: 39.95,
    shippingMethod: "2-day",

// Query Data
const result = await ef.query("SELECT * FROM evefan limit 5;");

The SDK is powered by the Segment official bindings and by DuckDB WASM.

The querying is run against the parquet files that are hosted on your native S3 destination, announced yesterday

These powerful primitives make running simple event ingestion and analysis workloads straight from your client easy.

Our SDK has been released in Alpha mode while we work with customers to iron out any teething issues.

Happy Fanning! 🪭

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